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Comparative Analysis of Sloshing Impact on Rectangular Overhead Water Tank with Different Types of Bracings by Using STAAD.Pro

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Comparative Analysis of Sloshing Impact on Rectangular Overhead Water Tank with Different Types of Bracings by Using STAAD.Pro

Prof. Dr. V. R. Rathi | Avinash S. Nimse

Prof. Dr. V. R. Rathi | Avinash S. Nimse "Comparative Analysis of Sloshing Impact on Rectangular Overhead Water Tank with Different Types of Bracings by Using STAAD.Pro" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-2, February 2022, pp.481-492, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49258.pdf

Water supply is a life line facility that must remain functional in natural disaster. These structures have large mass concentrated at the top of slender supporting structure hence these structure are especially vulnerable to horizontal forces due to earthquakes. The rectangular water tank were collapsed or heavily damaged during the earthquakes because of unsuitable design of supporting system or wrong selection of supporting system and underestimated demand or overestimated strength. So, it is very important to select proper supporting system and also need to study the response of rectangular water tank subjected to seismic forces in different zones and to find out the design parameters for seismic analysis. It is also necessary to consider the sloshing effect on top and bottom slab of water tank. The effect of hydrodynamic pressure and pressure due to wall inertia & effect of vertical ground acceleration in the seismic analysis must be considered in the seismic analysis of rectangular water tank. This paper presents analysis to study the effects of sloshing in overhead liquid storage tank. In such structure a large mass concentrated at the top of slender supporting structure makes the structure vulnerable to horizontal forces e.g. due to earthquakes. This study focuses mainly on the response of the elevated rectangular type water tank to dynamic forces by both equivalents static method and finite element analysis using STAAD.Pro software. To find out the design parameters for seismic analysis and also the importance in the sloshing effect consideration during the design. Here an elevated rectangular type water tank is analysed with X bracing, V bracing and diagonal bracings. The analysis is carried out for X bracing, V bracing and diagonal bracings considering only the hydrostatic effects on STAAD Pro. Maximum Absolute Stresses in X bracing is 9.79 N/mm2 and Maximum Principle Major Stresses in X bracing is 8.12 N/mm2. Maximum Absolute Stresses in V bracing is 9.8 N/mm2 and Maximum Principle Major Stresses in X bracing is 8.12 N/mm2. Maximum Absolute Stresses in Diagonal bracing is 9.69 N/mm2 and Maximum Principle Major Stresses in X bracing is 8.04 N/mm2. It means that stresses are near about same in X bracing and in V bracing. But in diagonal bracing stresses are less as compared to X bracing and V bracing. The displacement is maximum in diagonal bracing but stresses are minimum in diagonal bracing. Whereas X bracing and V bracing gives same performance in maximum absolute stresses and maximum principle major stresses. The results under tank full condition shows higher values and such values decreases under tank , condition.

Sloshing Impact, Water Tank, Bracings, Earthquake, STAAD.Pro, Equivalent Static Method, etc

Volume-6 | Issue-2, February 2022
IJTSRD | www.ijtsrd.com | E-ISSN 2456-6470
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

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